Students Area

skype clasSES

Online classes are being conducted for the students and practitioners, on Skype, on Wednesdays ( 06.00 AM IST onwards) and on Saturdays (06.00 AM IST onwards). 

So what are you going to learn here ?

1. Advanced Case Taking Techniques

2. Practical Application of Homoeopathic Philosophy

3. Application of Rare Remedies

4. Clinical Case Studies

5. Understanding Miasms 

6. Understanding Remedies with regard to which Kingdom they belong to

7. Different Levels of Experiences

8. Art of Conversation

And many more……….

Download the complete syllabus here

Here's what students are saying...

CASES of our students


A 45 yr Male presented with Psoriasis, having suffering from the same for last 5 yrs, was treated successfully with Advanced Homoeopathy.

To Join The Classes

Contact at +91-9885393553